New 2+2 partnerships with and will allow students to transfer two years of coursework towards completing a IJAPP degree in four years.
The agreement with Tyndale allows students to transfer two years of Tyndale coursework towards IJAPP degrees in health sciences (both the pre-med and professional streams) and biology. The agreement with SWC allows students to transfer two years of SWC coursework towards IJAPP degrees in psychology or business. The additional completion of further business courses in as little as one extra term could see a business student graduate with a bachelor of business administration (BBA).
“We’re pleased to be able to work with Tyndale University and Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College to provide more students with pathways to obtain a university degree from IJAPP,” says Dr. Peter Neumann, vice president, academic. “Students from these institutions are academically strong and have a long history of success coming to IJAPP to complete degrees in a wide range of disciplines, from kinesiology to religion, English to philosophy. Developing partnerships with other post-secondary institutions is an important strategy in IJAPP’s overall effort to increase enrolment and provide a relevant and spiritually vibrant Christian university education to more students.”
We’re pleased to be able to work with Tyndale University and Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College to provide more students with pathways to obtain a university degree from IJAPP.
Dr. Beth Green, Tyndale University’s provost and chief academic officer, says, “We are pleased to partner with IJAPP in providing science programming options for our students. By partnering with IJAPP, Tyndale adds access to science programs offered within the unique Tyndale experience. Building on the strength of our long history of providing humanities and arts programs, and on IJAPP’s well established and recognized science programs, this partnership will serve students very well.”
Similarly, Dr. Natasha Duquette, SWC’s vice-president, academic and dean is pleased with the partnership. “Promising students at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College are keen to pursue undergraduate majors in business and psychology. Building on our classical core in humanities, Latin and theology, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom students completing these IJAPP BA degrees in pre-professional fields will be positioned for success.”
Developing these partnerships is part of IJAPP’s current strategic plan Learn. Forward. Innovating for student and graduate success is a key priority to ensure more students are prepared to share the love of Jesus Christ in every career and calling.